We Are Domestic, Late-Discovery, Transracial, International Adoptees, Parents, and Family Members Separated by Adoption.
Adoption From a Human Rights Stance
Join the Adoption Truth Community
24/7 Global Support
Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Information Network (ATTWIN) consists of local and global individuals and families separated by adoption. We are a community that stands in solidarity with one another for peer support. This forum was initiated on November 5th, 2011.
Exposing the Adoption Truth & Supporting Those in Need. Watch here:
Call for Submissions
Adoptionland II: A New Collections of Stories on Adoption Loss
Focusing on Adoption Loss from Birthparents.
"We believe that the stories of parents of loss are crucial to understanding the full picture of adoption.”— Janine Vance, Senior Editor of Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists
Submit Your Story: Deadline March 2025Exposing the Adoption Truth & Supporting Those In Need
We Turned Adoption UpSide Down
Challenging Mainstream Narratives
"The adopted person's voice is the most powerful in adoption. Yet, it is the most overlooked." - Vance Twins
Author, Activist, Adoptee AdvocateEmpowerment Rooted in the Law of Nature.
Be ready for a rare perspective based on the natural law of identity and equal rights. If you believe adopted people should have the same rights as all other humans, you will find value in this rare book advocating for equality—even for adopted people.

I learned a lot from this book...
This book is unique and rare on internal empowerment, especially since I am adopted. These are perspectives I never thought about when thinking about my adoption, and they helped me to understand and validate how I was feeling inside. I learned about my human rights in this book.
Should We have the same rights as all other humans?
Gain a Bird's-Eye View
on the hidden side of the practice here.

After Years of Forced Positivity Led By Adoption Profiteers, It's Time to be Real! Follow us on Instagram @AdoptionTruth.
What Are Paper Orphans and Why Did Adoption Profiteers Create Them?

Elevating the View of Adoption:
The Plight of Korean Internationally Adopted People

The Intersection of Adoption Agencies and Profiteering.

Importance of a Truthful Birth Certificate for Adopted People

The Serious Consequences of Incorrect Information on a Birth Certificate