The editors of the acclaimed anthology “Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists” are pleased to announce that they are now accepting submissions for their upcoming collection. This new volume will spotlight the often-overlooked voices of parents of adoption loss, also referred to as “birthparents” among industry stakeholders. Janine Vance, senior editor, emphasizes, “We are excited to bring together a diverse collection …
CUB Retreat 2024 with the Cofounders of Adoption Truth and Transparency
A message from the Vance Twins, compilers of Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists and The Unknown Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now: Dear Members, Reflecting on the amazing time we had at the Concerned United Birthparents (CUB) retreat in Kansas City, we still feel the impact of that powerful weekend. CUB, founded in 1976 by parents who have lost children …
Exposing the Truth of Adoption
Next Appearance: CUB Retreat Conceiving Christian Families/Deceiving Vulnerable Mothers: Risa Cromer, author of Conceiving Christian America: Embryo Adoption, and Reproductive Politics; Rev. Dr. Janine Vance: author of Adoption History: An Adoptee’s Research into Child Trafficking, Jenette Vance, @AdoptionTruth IG, and Leslie Pate MacKinnon LCSW, a therapist specializing in issues impacting families conceived by adoption and 3rd party reproduction. Supporting Those In …