CUB Retreat 2024 with Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Network

CUB Retreat 2024 with the Cofounders of Adoption Truth and Transparency

A message from the Vance Twins, compilers of Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists and The Unknown Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now:

Dear Members,

Reflecting on the amazing time we had at the Concerned United Birthparents (CUB) retreat in Kansas City, we still feel the impact of that powerful weekend. CUB, founded in 1976 by parents who have lost children to adoption, hosted an incredible gathering that brought together birth/first mothers, fathers, siblings, adoptees, adoptive families, and professionals working within the adoption community. It was a heartwarming experience filled with learning, connection, and healing.

The sessions featured a range of voices—authors, therapists, filmmakers, and legislative advocates—who came together to share insights and stories that underscored the deep importance of our collective mission. My sister and I spoke on a panel, reconnecting with some of our fellow speakers from the Adoption Trafficking Awareness Symposium and members from the Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Information Network. Each conversation resonated with the unique experiences of those impacted by adoption, sharing perspectives that should never be forgotten.

We were thrilled to win the raffle, which we plan to use to further our advocacy for justice and awareness within the adoption community. Thanks to CUB for hosting such a valuable, thought-provoking event that enriched us all.

September 2024: A Panel Discussion by Powerful Voices on “Conceiving Christian Families, Deceiving Vulnerable Mothers.”

Vance Twins, Cofounders of Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Information Network, meet The Concerned United Birthparents at their Annual Retreat. 

Listen to the interview from 07/22/24: Exposing the Adoption Truth & Supporting Those In Need.