A message from the Vance Twins, compilers of Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists and The Unknown Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now:
Dear Members,
September 2024: A Panel Discussion by Powerful Voices on “Conceiving Christian Families, Deceiving Vulnerable Mothers.”
Vance Twins, Cofounders of Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Information Network, meet The Concerned United Birthparents at their Annual Retreat.
- Risa Cromer, author of Conceiving Christian America: Embryo Adoption and Reproductive Politics
- Rev. Dr. Janine (Vance) Mung Ja, author of Adoption History: An Adoptee’s Research into Child Trafficking
- Jenette (Vance) Yamamoto, co-founder of Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Network (IG: @AdoptionTruth)
- Leslie Pate MacKinnon, LCSW, Dan Rather, Adoption or Abducted